A Big Mistake Music Teachers Make There’s a sense of happiness and joy when a music teacher turns to the next page in the lesson book and says “ok, you’re ready to start a new song”. However, if that action also means no longer playing or working on a student’s favorite piece, we’re in trouble.
Learning A New Song On Guitar – Balance
With Guitar lessons, and all lessons in general sometimes a teachers perspective is different then a students. As teachers, we want the best for our students. Sometimes that means taking our lesson time to work on scales, chords, and theory which leaves us less time to learn songs.
Be Prepared To Play Music – Private Music Teachers
It is best, as a teacher, to have some piece in your back pocket that you can play flawlessly at any time. This obviously mean practicing it so it’s always in-shape. It’s totally fine for a teacher to not be a professional performing musician, but the teacher should be able to play some selections really well.
New Piece Of Music! When Is It Time
We as teachers give short and long term assignments to our students, but when is the appropriate time to mark the piece as complete and move on to a new piece of music? It’s a challenge we as teachers face, and knowing when the right time to move on from a piece of music is
Music teachers don’t teach notes durning in-home lessons, they teach songs!
Don’t Judge a song by its notes! Have you ever heard the saying “Don’t judge a book by its cover”? The same meaning of this phrase also can be used when looking at a new piece of music. Written music can be deceiving when first looking at a new song. What may look impossible on
Something old, something new, something fast, and something slow.
As students get more advanced in their piano playing, it’s great to introduce the “classics” or standard piano repertoire like Mozart Sonata’s and Chopin Nocturnes. However, not every student is going to fall in love with these pieces of great music. They can be challenging and take many lessons to learn the entire piece. As
Scaffolding… not just for buildings.
Once lessons get rolling and you’ve started to make progress you might notice that progress slows down. I see it happen all the time with my students and in my own practicing. The good news is… this is a common problem and the solution is scaffolding. Who hasn’t learned their first tune, a cool guitar
Make-up Music Lessons From An Economist’s Point of View
Make-up Music Lessons From An Economist’s Point of View. By Vicky Barham I’m a parent of children enrolled in Suzuki music lessons. I’d like to explain to other parents why I feel – quite strongly, actually – that it is unreasonable of we parents to expect our teachers to make up lessons we miss, even