I recently was at the airport and in the security line when I noticed a couple of young people who where wearing a sweater from Saint Martin Episcopal School. Being that Lessons In Your Home teaches private piano and guitar lessons at this fantastic Atlanta school. I asked the parents if the children attended to
Lessons In Your Home Blog
In-home lessons, Christmas, Hanukkah, and other seasonal music
At this time of year, you have to give a lot of credit to music and it’s impact on our society. Playing songs of the season is a tradition in music that goes back farther than most. There has been a pretty consistent thread of traditional seasonal songs that hold fond memories for so many.
What are those instruments playing? Learning how to listen
It’s a bit of a cliché to say this, but I love to listen to music. You could safely assume that all musicians love to listen to music, but you might not know that it can be a really challenging thing to do. It’s a skill you can practice and improve upon. My ability to
Why I Teach Piano Lessons With Lessons In Your Home in D.C, Virgina, and Baltimore.
If you have ever spoken to me about my journey in working with Lessons In Your Home, you would find that I am not only a proud member of this company, but a huge fan of what we do! As an organization in general, Lessons In Your Home does great business, not only from the
Go Back and Find the Value of Piano Lessons.
As a parent of three boys living in Denver, CO, I sometimes ask the question “is there value in these piano lessons lessons we are doing every week, in me trying to encourage practice, the time out of our schedule?” That’s the tired mom side that needs a break. I then flip to my teacher side and say
Calming Your Nerves By Finding Your Balance
As a musician, playing music is one of the most natural, enjoyable activities I can possibly take part in. However, when it comes to playing in front of family and friends, teachers, or peers, it can be quite stressful. I am someone who has always had a major problem with stage fright. The problem only
Something old, something new, something fast, and something slow.
As students get more advanced in their piano playing, it’s great to introduce the “classics” or standard piano repertoire like Mozart Sonata’s and Chopin Nocturnes. However, not every student is going to fall in love with these pieces of great music. They can be challenging and take many lessons to learn the entire piece. As
Scaffolding… not just for buildings.
Once lessons get rolling and you’ve started to make progress you might notice that progress slows down. I see it happen all the time with my students and in my own practicing. The good news is… this is a common problem and the solution is scaffolding. Who hasn’t learned their first tune, a cool guitar
Music and the brain
Music and the brain… When I did a stint as a brain trainer for an established learning center, I was struck by the fact that we did about 90% of our brain exercises set to a metronome. Yes, the thing that sat on top of my piano all through my early years. A metronome. After
Learning How to Practice – Get the most out of Private Music Lessons At Home
At Home Music Teacher As an at home music teacher and musician, I have learned through my experience that the art of practice is the most important aspect of studying an instrument. Knowing the most efficient way to go about learning a new piece or technique is an acquired skill and not something that our