Teenagers are a fun group to teach, and the musical possibilities are endless! They are at a point in life when individual tastes in music form, and they definitely keep me on my toes with knowing the new, cool bands and artists. Every student age, from young beginners to the 7-12 group, has its own
Lessons In Your Home Blog
Pedals On The Piano, What Do They Do?
On a typical piano there will be three pedals in the center by the floor. These pedals are used to change the sound and effects of the piano. The most common pedal is the Damper pedal located to the right. When the damper pedal is pressed down it raises the dampers inside the piano off
Can piano music survive? China out buys USA in new pianos 250,000 to 44,000.
This is a really neat story by CBS news on pianos and there survival in the USA. The numbers in my opinion can be a little misleading since pianos can last a long time and many families have piano’s that have been passed down. If you piano needs repair or you need to start playing
4 ways to know if a note is wrong! Use your ears in Music Lessons
There are many things to concentrate and focus on while learning to play new pieces of music, reading notes, counting rhythms, moving hand positions, using pedals, etc. One thing that I try to have my students not forget is to use their ears and to listen to what they are playing. Sometimes while a student
Keep In Home Music Students Longer – The Best Part of Teaching Lessons!
The best part of teaching in home music lessons is your students stay with you longer then those who travel to their lessons at a music school or a teacher’s home. There are 3 easy to understand reasons why this is. One, a great music teacher gets more time with the family of their student.
Metronomes, use them! Make in-home music lessons more sucessful.
When learning an instrument, it can seem like a metronome is your worst enemy. It makes playing everything seem much more difficult! It may seem difficult now, but practicing with a metronome trains you physically and mentally to keep consistent time in your playing. Being able to keep a steady time is essential to playing
Ten Boredom Busters to Motivate the Musician in your Family
Looking for a way to motivate the music student in your home to practice their instrument? Beyond the more obvious strategies such as providing a quiet space, having the instrument at hand and keeping to a consistent practice routine, try these ten boredom busters for some fresh ideas to get the sounds of music happening
Using A Visual Aide to Make Practice More Effective
I am a firm believer in having clear goals when it comes to music practice. Students must ALWAYS know what it is they are trying to achieve in any given practice session. Necessarily, they must first know what it is they need to work on. That is where the teacher provides the input about what
Academic Benefits of Music Lessons from a D.C./Baltimore Music Teacher
Many times, I am asked by parents about the academic benefits of having their children take music lessons. We hear all the time that learning music improves math scores and assists in other areas of academic performance, but why? My take on it is that music lessons and learning to read music are ‘brain exercises’
Denver’s Music Scene – Vanilla Ice – Guitar Lessons in Denver
My son takes guitar lessons here in Highlands Ranch. Last week his teacher, TJ, opened for Vanilla Ice. My son wasn’t really aware who Vanilla Ice was, but I sure remember him! The great thing about music, and lessons, is the continuity passed down, sometimes in very unexpected ways. Even though practicing was a little scarce