Teacher Profile: Victoria Brodeur

Victoria Brodeur

Victoria Brodeur

Instrument(s): Piano, Voice

City: Atlanta


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About Victoria Brodeur

Victoria Brodeur is a recent graduate of Kennesaw State University with a major in music.  She has experience on both the performing and teaching spectrums in music.  As an aspiring performer, Victoria values every performance opportunity.  She has performed numerous roles in the KSU Opera Theater most recently seen as The Witch in Humperdinck's Hansel and Gretel. Victoria has worked with professionals in the field doing coaching and masterclasses. Some of the most notable would include William Ferrara, Jennifer Larmore, and Reginald Smith.  Victoria has the drive and passion for uniting both musical theater and opera and strives to teach students the importance of being a well-versed performer.  Through her experience and performance endeavors, Victoria enjoys training up aspiring musicians who love music and have the tools to achieve their wildest goals in and outside of music!

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