How To End A Song Often times at student recitals, we see a really good performance followed by a student bolting off the stage, some times wile they are still holding the last note. If you have ever played a recital you can probably remember that it can fell good to be done and
Practice Techniques
A young piano student does his best!
A young piano student has many obstacles to overcome before his first piano recital. Where then do we set the bar and doing well? We say the answer is within each young piano student to do their best. Doing well at a recital means you did your best. Since “your best” is different for everyone
You’re Doing What? Piano Lessons
YOU’RE DOING WHAT?! Piano Lessons Younger students who practice for their piano lessons are always impressive. It’s a sign of high character and good values. It’s also an indication that someone in the home values the piano lessons and the more people valuing music lessons, the better. Some students have a hard time making time
What Music Students learn if they don’t practice?
Practice is important and fundamental in becoming a successful musician; but how important is practice to having successful music lessons? There are those teachers out there that practice a policy of exclusion, “practice your instrument or don’t take lessons (at least not with me). ” This post aims to examine what else our music students