When you are looking for a Music Lesson(s) of any kind, piano lessons, voice lessons, guitar lessons, or any music lesson you can think of you ought to consider in home music lessons. This video go’s over Jay Maurice’s main likes on the subject of having a private teacher teach in your home. If you
Start Lessons Now – Practice Backwards? Oh yes!
If you are trying to learn piano or learn guitar or learn any instrument, your going to need to learn how to practice. The most common overlooked technique might be practicing backwards. Why? watch the video.
Teach Students How To End A Song. Elinor Rigby
How To End A Song Often times at student recitals, we see a really good performance followed by a student bolting off the stage, some times wile they are still holding the last note. If you have ever played a recital you can probably remember that it can fell good to be done and
A young piano student does his best!
A young piano student has many obstacles to overcome before his first piano recital. Where then do we set the bar and doing well? We say the answer is within each young piano student to do their best. Doing well at a recital means you did your best. Since “your best” is different for everyone
Make-up Music Lessons From An Economist’s Point of View
Make-up Music Lessons From An Economist’s Point of View. By Vicky Barham I’m a parent of children enrolled in Suzuki music lessons. I’d like to explain to other parents why I feel – quite strongly, actually – that it is unreasonable of we parents to expect our teachers to make up lessons we miss, even
Dinner Party Music! Jam Session Music Lessons
It’s nice to get word of positive things that our students do. Over the last holiday season wile at a parents friends house the kids overheard some magical words from the hosts mouth, “we have a music room downstairs”. Then, what was just your guitar lesson now turns into a Jam Session Music Lesson. When
Great Music Teachers Evolve! Piano Teacher
GREAT TEACHERS – NOT ALWAYS! Very few of the finest music teachers set out to teach. In fact most of us were set on never becoming teachers at all. We are and were performers; wanna-be rock stars (maybe still for me), classical players, jazz artists, composers, singers, songwriters, and anything but music teachers. But that